Breeding Livebearers

Sexing Livebearers

Suggested Pet Stores
What You'll Need
Things To Watch Out For
Water Conditions and Breeding Habits
Sexing Livebearers
The Fry

How can I tell the genders apart?!

Common ways to distinguish genders...

Most expert breeders can just look at a fish and tell the gender. But if you aren't an expert then don't worry it is VERY easy to distinguish males from females. Here are some common ways to do sex livebearers...



Male: Has larger tail and much more colorful body. Has a gonopoium (male-livebearer sex organ).
Female: Less coloration, usually larger than the male. Develops a black gravid spot when pregnant.


Male: Has a gonopodium. (male-livebearer sex organ). Smaller than female.
Female: Significantly larger than the male. Develops a reddish/pink gravid spot when pregnant.

And so on for almost any livebearer just look for these things to distinguish sexes. ^^^^^^


With any livebearer, you may notice the female has a dark spot on her abdomen. This is called a gravid spot. The gravid spot is actually the fry inside the pregnant livebearer. So when you are looking at the female's gravid spot, you are seeing the fry...

As you can see in the pictures on this page, the male has a sex organ call a gonopodium and has more color than the female.....





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