Breeding Livebearers

What You'll Need

Suggested Pet Stores
What You'll Need
Things To Watch Out For
Water Conditions and Breeding Habits
Sexing Livebearers
The Fry

There is more to breeding fish than just putting them in an ordinary tank...


If you want healthy fish and healthy fry, you will need these basic supplies.  -->

Once you've obtained these supplies, setup your breeding tank. Water changes are very important! Every month do at least a 50% water change.

It is best to examine where you buy your fish and make sure they have no diseases. Common signs of disease are little activity, no appetite, or discoloration. You are going to want healthy fish for breeding!

Let you tank cycle for at least a day to prevent cloudy water when your fish are put in the tank. If you have an existing fish tank with water in it, place some of that water into your new breeding tank.

Fancy Guppies 

Fancy guppies are probably the prettiest of ALL livebearers!

Click HERE To Play "GUPPIES" Movie

Supplies you'll need...

1. Minimum 10 gallon tank. Larger tank optional.

2. Box filter or under-gravel filter. (Power filters are not recommended but can be used).

3. High quality flake food (TetraCOLOR™ or TetraMin™ brand food recommended).

4. Frozen or freeze dried foods. (Bloodworms, tubifex worms, brine shrimp, etc.).

5. PH test kit. (pH is vital for breeding habits. Keep pH around 7.0 - 7.8)

6. PH tablets (to maintain pH at a comfortable level). 

7. Thermometer. (Watch out for dramatic temperature changes!)

8. Automatic heater. (To keep aquarium at steady temperature. Keep temp. around 75-80º F)

9. Aerator. (To promote oxygen levels and help filtration).

10. A lot of plants. (To give the newborn fry a place to hide. Artificial plants recommended).

11. A gravel* substrate. (Any color will do).

* Sand is bad for filtration and the fish's gills.

More aquarium supplies may be added by your own choice but these are recommended, ^^^^^^