Breeding Livebearers

Suggested Pet Stores
Suggested Pet Stores
What You'll Need
Things To Watch Out For
Water Conditions and Breeding Habits
Sexing Livebearers
The Fry


Owning and breeding high quality livebearers means you'll have to buy them at a high quality pet store. Most local, small pet stores carry livebearers but, most of those small pet stores don't carry good quality fish or equipment. Wal Mart™ is another one of those stores who sell lower quality aquatic life. Believe me... I suggest you buy your livebearers at one of the following stores:

1. Petco™ (Highly recommended. Best pet store there is.).

2. Pet Supermarket™.

3. Pet Smart™.


Are there any other ways to get my livebearers other than stores?

Of course there is! Many people don't live anywhere near a pet store. So, what do you do? Buy them online. Most people are skeptical about buying aquatic livestock online as they think that the fish will die during delivery. This is true is some cases but more than likely your delivery will come alive!

Might I suggest you try these great online fish stores:

Live Aquaria (Best choice!)

Petco™ Online