Breeding Livebearers

The Fry

Suggested Pet Stores
What You'll Need
Things To Watch Out For
Water Conditions and Breeding Habits
Sexing Livebearers
The Fry

So what do I do with all of these new fry (babies)?


Click HERE To Play FRY Movie

So now you've successfully bred your livebearers and now you have all kinds of fry. So, now what?? 

Here are some ideas to help you deal with all of your new fry......


Swordtail Fry ^^^^
Fry Behavior
When fry are first born they will only want to swim near the bottom of the tank and wont be too active.
At about 2 weeks, they will be more active and will be swimming to the top with the adults.

**(Fry don't coexist well with crayfish or any other bottom dweller.)

1. Check in advance with a local pet store and see if they will take they fry as a donation or for a trade. (Most will).

2. Put them in a small pond that you may have near, or on your property and allow them to continue to thrive there.

3. Put them in a freshwater, warm lake. (They may get eaten but they will more than likely thrive in a lake).

4. Keep them and continue to breed them.

I'm sure there are more things to do with your fry but here is what I suggest. You don't have to get rid of ALL of them just enough so your tank isn't overcrowded...

When very young, their diet should include TetraMin™ brand fry food and/or freeze dried or frozen foods.

At about 2-3 weeks of age they will begin swimming to the top and will accept flake foods.